3. Choose ONE of the following two questions based on the works of John Donne.

CHOICE ONE: Reading 22.2: There are three strong metaphors that Donne uses in Meditation 17. (A metaphor gives us a new slant on something by likening it to something totally different.)

These metaphors are: 1) mankind = a book; 2) mankind = NOT an island; 3) tolling bell = death.

Paraphrase (put in your own words) the ideas that are conveyed by the first two metaphors about mankind. Then, for the third one, discuss what Donne means by the line “never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”

CHOICE TWOReading 22.3: Summarize the arguments Donne is using to say that Death is not really as “mighty and dreadful” as we think it is.

4. The Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah: Listen and enjoy. Then, write 3 descriptive adjectives for this piece of music: how it sounds to you, or how it makes you feel.(If you are not able to hear this file, you need to get set up to make that possible, as we will be listening to music throughout the semester.)

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