Using an example of an anticipatory industry policy measure, discuss the merits of the particular policy (drawing on the concepts taught in this unit). To what extent were the policy objectives achieved? What were the unintended consequences of the policy? (selected)


Important Notices: A minimum of 10 different references is required for this essay. Be careful using the Internet – it offers information, sometimes wildly inaccurate, while also not necessarily providing a strong critical analysis. The use of encyclopaedia-style Web sources (for example and is NOT acceptable at this level of study and any instance of using such references will attract a fail grade for the relevant crtierion. To receive a Distinction grade or above, you will need to draw upon academic journals, texts and high-quality references, and exceed the minimum standards.

Students must submit their academic essays via Moodle in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF document format. Essays submitted in any other format will not be marked and will receive a grade of zero. It is also required that essays include a list of references at the end of the paper (in alphabetical order by author surname) which is presented in a recognised Author/Date referencing system (see The reference list forms part of the essay and is not to be submitted as a separate file. Reference lists submitted as separate files will be ignored by the marker. Please note that the requirements for referencing set out in this unit may be different from examples provided in the referencing guides. Where there is a conflict about the style of referencing (for example the use of page numbers), you are required to follow the unit outline.

Students MUST write in the third person for all assessment items in this unit. For example, rather than writing ‘In this essay, I will discuss…’, write: ‘This essay will discuss…’. Writing in the third person is a formal writing skill which you must practise while undertaking this unit. If you do not write in the third person your essay will be heavily penalised.


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