Questions to ponder and discuss:

1. Identify two key strengths of the paper and substantiate your views on these key strengths by offering valid arguments.

2. Identify two drawbacks of the paper and substantiate your views on these drawbacks by offering valid arguments. Also, if possible, offer your insights on how these drawbacks can be minimized.

General Guidelines

* If you do not have relevant work experience, you can substantiate your views by paraphrasing articles ( please provide the reference) or news articles.

* When you articulate your views, please be precise, avoid vague terminology or concepts. Please do not repeat the information (i.e., cut and paste) from the paper.

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Richard and Helen are a married couple in their mid-thirties. They have two daughters – Anne, aged 14, and Clare, aged 6. They recently separated. Their relationship has deteriorated dramatically since Richard became unemployed and he now believes that Helen is having an affair with a woman. The children are currently living with Helen, but Richard wishes to care for them full time. Helen has petitioned for divorce and Richard has applied for a residence order. At the same time, Anne and Clare’s teachers have become concerned about both the girls’ behaviour. Anne’s schoolwork is deteriorating and she has been involved in bullying. Clare’s teacher is particularly concerned because she has noticed that Clare has become increasingly withdrawn whereas previously she was very lively. One day the teacher notices that Clare has bruises on her thighs, but she refuses to explain their cause. The teacher passes this information to social services. When the social worker contacts the parents, Helen claims that Richard must have caused the bruises when he took the girls out at the weekend. Richard denies the allegation. Anne has told the school nurse that her father smacks her and her sister but does not want the nurse to tell anybody about this. Consider how this case should progress.

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