You need to write response 550 words.
Textbook: The Adolescent: Development, Relationships, and Culture (Kim Gale Dolgin – 13th Edition).
Full Quality Points requires that you explain your response in detail,
and provide minimum of one direct quote from the textbook to support your answer. For the quote from the textbook, please provide the page number where I can find that quote in the textbook.
Quality of comments (points will be deducted for poorly written responses or frequent spelling errors)
Insightful and original comments with special significance to the assigned topics, with strong emphasis on knowledge and theory of adolescence development.
Thoughtful and interesting comments indicating good understanding of the assigned topic, with strong emphasis on knowledge and theory of adolescence development

Some child/adolescent observers do not believe that parents have any important long-term effects on their children. They argue that the only thing parents give their children is their genes.
Some other would argue that the part of the child’s environment that shapes their behavior is outside of the home. It is their peers that are most important.
If the above view is correct, then it would make much of the information in our textbook wrong. The textbook covers topics, such as the importance of attachment, parenting styles and family structure.
In your opinion, is the textbook wrong?
Why or why not?

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