Dear writer.

I hope you in the best situation.

I have reflect diary about placement in the hospitals.

Kindly, apply (Rolfe reflective model) on that diary reflective report (what, so what, now what). Use always (i) to talk about myself.

No need to full academic writing, just writing about my experiment with placement work. 


Third and Fourth days.

**I spent all those days in X-ray department, I have discussed daily work in x-ray also how divided work between staff .On the other hand, we talk about maintenance issues and I have read the department files about  devices maintenance, protection and staff evaluation . I noticed no any concern about technicians’ development or update their information, because as we know the radiology field has update rapidly (you can add here in same context because I need 500 words in this report).

**The radiology department contain of: 1 room for chest x-ray, 1 room for fluoroscopy and 2 rooms for general cases, all the machines from care Stream Company.

**The patients come from GB, no need to appointment.

**The protocols of cases scan same what I saw in Saudi Arabia no any different, the rules of x-ray positions are same around world just some times the technician change in positions or usual protocol depend on patient body or situation.

**The technicians give the students chance to work and also the technicians so cooperative but they ignore apply protection rules with themselves and with patient.

**The workers in chest room receive patient every 1 hour, no need to specific room for chest, which increase cost of service in radiology department.

**I would like to trans some ideas which I like for example: every things computerized no papers also remove every non digital x-ray in my department in Saudi Arabia.



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