Protestant Christianity:
Write at least 3 typed pages for each visit, 12 size font, double-spaced, in which you discuss:
General Information
Full name, address and religious affiliation of the group: Hope Church is an Evangelical Presbyterian megachurch in Cordova, a district of Memphis, Tennessee. 8500 Walnut Grove Rd, Cordova, TN 38018
(901) 755-7721.- IT ALL BEGAN IN 1988…when Craig Strickland, a pastor at Second Presbyterian Church, felt the call to plant a church “out east” in the suburbs of Memphis – little did he know the plans God had for a little place called Hope! Along with 25 other charter members, Craig began Hope in the living room of a Germantown home in September of 1988. Nine months after Hope’s conception, Eli Morris came to Hope bringing a strong passion and big heart for inner city missions. Still to this day, Hope’s Urban Ministry is thriving in the North Memphis communities with many opportunities of offering a better life for the families we work with. From that Germantown living room, Hope moved to rented space at Shelby Place Restaurant (currently The Butcher Shop), then to Evangelical Christian School’s gymnasium where they spent the next seven years.

Date and time of visit: March 22nd 2015 11:15 AM Service
Name and type of service attended: Sunday Service
Name and role of person spoken with: Rufus Smith Senior Pastor
Observations: a band instead of traditional choir , very large church , like a stadium
Describe the facility outside and inside: The main sanctuary is a big one, 5000 seats. It finds use outside of weekend services with concerts, movie nights, and school graduations. The space is wheelchair accessible and includes cry rooms for families of newborns.
Technology abounds with full 1080i HD workflow from camera to two 25’x14′ screens. It takes 8 volunteers and 3 staff to run video and lighting on a given weekend.

Describe the congregation—ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status,
Age, number present (does this equal the number of members?) mixed ethnic, and mixed gender as well as middle class to higher economic status . Well over a 1000 ppl present at service.
Describe the service attended: make sure to include as many beliefs,lifestyle issues, rituals and institutions as you can: Please describe a typical Protestant church ( to the writer)
Compare and contrast the two groups visited by discussing 2 similarities/differences between groups : Compare and Contrast Protestant And Roman Catholic.
Personal Reactions: To the writer please give a nice personal experience!!!!!!!!! (Explain an Experience at Presbyterian Church )
Tell me how you feel about the service attended. I have heard it all—good and
bad. But, say more than “I really liked it” or “I really disliked it.” Tell me
why you had these feelings. Don’t say “I don’t really have any reaction………………………………

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