
For this discussion, you will create and submit a draft of your final project, a 3-4 page draft of your final paper. Then, you will peer review at least one fellow student’s submission. The instructor may post a  peer review schedule as part of an announcement and in an “Instructor Guidance Post” within the Week 5 “peer review discussion group.”

This is a peer review and the instructor will not be offering feedback on drafts.

Make sure that you do the following in your submissions:

A. Describe the target population including relevant career related statistics.

B. State the goals and objectives of your “presentation” or paper.

C. Identify and describe at least one career theory that you will use in your presentation/paper.

D. Reference two sources at a minimum in addition to the course text. (Professional/scholarly journals are peer reviewed and focus on the profession/application of psychology (located on Proquest, EBSCOHost, PsycNET, etc.). Non-scholarly articles include newspapers, periodicals, secular magazines, etc., and are not peer reviewed. Websites not approved include and

E. Use the notes feature to add specific information that cannot be seen by the audience on the PowerPoint slides. (Note: This is applicable only if Option 1 of the final assignment was chosen by the student.)

For each component (A-E above, as applicable), provide a score of 1-5, with 5 being the “highest quality” and 1, the lowest. Also, provide written feedback for each component, particularly focusing on those in which a rating of 3 or lower is given.

When providing written feedback please do so in a way that is considerate and respectful. Focus on suggestions for improvement (as opposed to highlighting all of the “negatives” of the presentation).

You may wish to use language with each other like:

1. “I would suggest that…”

2. “You might improve by adding the following…”

3. “Clarification on this slide might be helpful.”

4. “You might be able to make the topic more clear by…”

5. “You might consider removing or rephrasing…


Final Summative Assignment

Career Development Intervention

For this assignment, you will choose a specific population which you will base your intervention on. You may choose from the following:

1. Recent college graduates (bachelor’s degree with little work experience)

2. Displaced workers (i.e. employees that have recently been laid off)

3. College students

4. Individuals pursuing a second career

5. Single parents

6. Individuals with developmental or physical disabilities

Once you have selected a target group you can be more specific about the characteristics of your group. For instance, if you choose college students, you could specify, those majoring in business administration or if you choose displaced workers, you could specify, those with no college education.

You will submit an 8-10 page paper.  You must include the following required components:

· Description of the target population including relevant career related statistics

· Goals and objectives of the workshop

· Challenges faced by the target population

· Specific intervention plan to address challenges

· Relevant career counseling theory

· Relevant sources of occupational career information

· Description of activities and supplemental materials that would be utilized during the workshop

· Frequently asked questions and answers

· Resources for target population

· Method(s) of evaluation

You should use a minimum of ten (10) sources in addition to the course text.

Be sure to meet the research criteria as specified in the rubric for this assignment that includes the following components:

· A 8-10 page paper in APA format including research materials that are relevant to the assignment, e.g. scholarly journals, professional articles, legal documents, government documents, legal decisions, media clips, software, measurement instruments websites, personal communication, etc.

· Professional/scholarly journals are peer reviewed and focus on the profession/application of psychology (located on Proquest, EBSCOHost, PsycNET, etc.). Non-scholarly articles include newspapers, periodicals, secular magazines, etc, and are not peer reviewed. Websites not approved include and

· Research that focuses on the most current information (past five to ten years) except when citing seminal works (e.g. Freud, Erickson, etc.).

· Includes a minimum of ten (10) sources as references in addition to the course text.

NEW Assignment Type: Please click here to review instructions on how to submit your assignment. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Grading Criteria

Content CriteriaTotal: 6 Points
Uses a minimum of 10 sources in addition to the course text in preparing the presentation.
Includes challenges faced by the target population. Including statistics on specific examples of challenges faced (i.e. 70% of youth ages 15-17 are unemployed). More detail could be included based on research of that particular statistic.
Writing and Organization CriteriaTotal: 4 Points
The central theme/purpose of the paper is clear.
The structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow.
Bullet points and short sentences are appropriate
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.
Spelling is correct.
Research CriteriaTotal: 3 Points
The presentation includes research materials that are relevant to the assignment, e.g. scholarly journals, professional articles, legal documents, government documents, legal decisions, media clips, software, measurement instruments websites, personal communication, etc.
Professional/scholarly journals are peer reviewed and focus on the profession/application of psychology (located on Proquest, EBSCOHost, PsycNET, etc.). Non-scholarly articles include newspapers, periodicals, secular magazines, etc, and are not peer reviewed. Websites not approved include and
Research focuses on the most current information (past five to ten years) except when citing seminal works (e.g. Freud, Erickson, etc.).
Presentation includes the appropriate number of references required by the assignment.
Style CriteriaTotal: 2 Points
The paper is in the appropriate APA format used by the institution/program (e.g. the 6th edition).
The paper is double-spaced and in the appropriate length required by the assignment
The paper includes an APA style cover page.
The paper includes an Abstract that is formatted to support the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).
The paper properly uses headings, font styles, and white space as outlined in the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).
The paper includes an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
The paper addresses the topic of the paper with critical thought.
The paper concludes with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition) guidelines.
The paper includes a References Page that is completed according to the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).
Total Possible Points Total: 15 Points

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PSY 6121: Week 6 Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to outline a proposed career development intervention program. This assignment will introduce the reader to a specific population in need of a career development intervention. This assignment will present the goals of the intervention effort, the challenges faced by this specific population, a linkage to an associated career counseling theory, some resources of occupational career information, a description of activities and supplemental materials that will be used as part of the workshop, frequently asked questions and answers, and will conclude with methodology to be used for evaluating the effectiveness of this intervention workshop.

Description of the target population including relevant career related statistics

Due to increasing life spans and the need to self-funded retirement, individuals are increasingly working past the traditional retirement age of 65. According to Lytle (2015), the proportion of employed individuals 65 and older increased 101% from 1977 to 2007 and it is projected that those 65 and older will be 25% of the working population 2050. Boveda, & Metz (2016) report that 50% of working adults intend to retire by age 61, but wish to continue working in some capacity for an additional 9 years.

Compounding the increasing average age situation is the decreasing availability of pensions for retired workers. According to Boveda & Metz (2016), less than 20% of those over the age of 65 can expect to receive a pension at the onset of their retirement. The retirement age, typically thought of as 65 years old, was set at a time when a majority of workers would either be deceased, or would collect benefits for a few short years. Today, life expectancy is estimated to be 73 years, and by 2050, it will increase to 82 years (Lytle, 2015). As a consequence of longer life spans, and less external financial support, the concept of retirement is increasingly getting blurred, and as a result, individuals are seeking alternative to stopping work completely (lrich & Brott, 2005).

As a result of the above, many individuals are forced to work beyond the traditional retirement age. Many of these workers cannot, or chose not to engage in similar employment as in their previous careers, and must seek new opportunities to gain employment. Typical of these new employment opportunities might be bridge employment, entrepreneurship or self-employment, and reentry into the labor market (Boveda & Metz, 2016). Boveda & Metz (2016) report that two thirds of those who expect to work after retirement intend to change their line of work.

Goals and objectives of the workshop

This Career Development Intervention has 5 primary goals and objectives:

At the conclusion of the Bridge Career Intervention, participants will be able to:

· Identity the top 5 desires in a new job

· Inventory their current skillset and rephrase skills into verbs on their resume

· Identify jobs in which those identified skills can be used

· Construct a resume that capitalizes on those skills

Challenges faced by the target population

This section will detail some of the challenges faced by those who wish to engage in a Bridge Career:

According to the American Institute for Economic Research (2015), the Bridge Career worker faced the following challenges:

· 77 percent didn’t take online classes

· 97 percent didn’t receive a grant or scholarship to start a new job

· 84 percent didn’t use formal networking resources such as LinkedIn or career fairs

· 90 percent didn’t volunteer in order to become a paid employee

The Bridge Careerist does run the risk of age discrimination. According to (Harper & Shoffner, 2004), although illegal, can contribute to job dissatisfaction. In order to avoid a situation where ageism may be prevalent,(Harper & Shoffner (2004) suggest that the Bridge Careerist ask questions about work place diversity, ask questions about hiring practices, assignments and layoffs, and if the answers are not in line with what the Bridge employee would expect, the job may not be a suitable fit.

Specific intervention plan to address challenges

This section will provide details on the workshop structure to help support

Relevant career counseling theory

According to Boveda & Metz (2016) the concept of a single professional career that runs in a straight line from high school/post-secondary education to mandatory full retirement from the labor force seems to be an antiquated concept. On the contrary, the “Career job” is giving away to a non-linear career path that is inherently flexible. Careers today are mobile and driven by the individual as opposed to the organization. This new career theory is termed “protean career” or boundaryless career”. Those who engage in a protean career may be coming to the conclusion of a traditional career, but may extend their working lives even further to a work situation that supports their needs at a particular point in time. Because of this transition, bridge careerists will face a unique challenge in that they will be looking for support in traversing from a traditional career to one of a more dynamic situation where the work may be less structured, offer little direction, yet provide the flexibility the retiree may be looking to secure.

The Theory of Work Adjustment (TWA) is one of the oldest career counseling theories that propose the use of career counseling during the retirement transition (Harper & Shoffner, 2004). A primary objective of retirement career counseling is the determine the level of person-environment fit and compare that to the person-environment fit while the individual was employed (Harper & Shoffner, 2004). Because the person-environment fit may be quite divergent, a career plan can be developed to bridge the gaps the client could be experiencing as a result of the retirement. One of the primary focuses of the TWQ is that the theory expands the view of work beyond tasks and procedures and looks at relationships and other potential sources of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Furthermore, the TWA explores how a person is adapting to the retirement to include the ongoing transactions between work setting and individual.

Relevant sources of occupational career information

This section will provide directed resources for occupational career information

Description of activities and supplemental materials that would be utilized during the workshop

This section will detail activities for my target population to engage in the Bridge Career Intervention Workshop

Frequently asked questions and answers

This section will provide Q&A based on research of common questions.

What is “Bridge Employment”?

Bridge employment can be referred to as any type of work carried on after the end of an individual’s professional career before complete withdrawal from the labor force (Boveda & Metz, 2016).

What are some of the benefits of Bridge Employment?

NNN (NNN) lists some very good reasons to consider Bridge Employment:

Increased health and general well being

Reduction in stress

Potential for increased financial security

Resources for target population

This section will provide resources available for older career transitions.

Books, articles, online resources

Method(s) of evaluation

Once the above Career Development Intervention Workshop activities are completed, the results of the effort can be assessed. According to McDavid, Huse and Hawthorn (2013), the results of the evaluation will provide some suggestions as to how the Career Development Intervention Workshop effort can be modified to ensure continued success. As will be discussed later in this assignment, initial results will be disseminated across the organization to ensure stakeholders are aware of how the adaptive pilot is going.

It is important to reflect on the ways the effectiveness of the Career Development Intervention Workshop will be judged. Newby, Stepich, Lehman, Russell, & Ottenbreit-Leftwich (2011) suggest that effectiveness is the “process by which we gather information from multiple sources in order to judge the merit or worth of a program, project or entity” (p. 234). Reiser & Dempsey (2012) suggest that when evaluating data, consider the source and the type. In other words, only collect the type of data that will strongly indicate what you would like to know. Given this, a Career Counseling Evaluation Form (Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey, 2012, p. 273) will be used as a guideline for written evaluations.


To conclude this Bridge Career Intervention plan, I will recap what has transpired. A target population was identified as having unique career challenges. Based on the needs of this population, goals and objectives were developed to provide an intervention plan for this group. Challenges faced by the target population were identified and a specific intervention plan was developed to address those challenges. Relevant career theory was also discussed, and relevant sources of occupational career information were provided. Delving deeper into the intervention plan, a description of activities and supplemental materials that would be using during the execution of this workshop along with frequently asked questions and answers was provided. In addition, resources for the target population were researched and listed. To conclude this career development intervention plan, the evaluation methodology was described.


Bennett, M. (2016) A Longitudinal Study of Work After Retirement: Examining Predictors of Bridge Employment, Continued Career Employment, and RetirementThe International Journal of Aging & Human Development Volume: 83 Issue 3 ISSN: 0091-4150 Online ISSN: 1541-3535

Boveda, I., & Metz, A. J. (2016). Predicting End-of-Career Transitions for Baby Boomers Nearing Retirement Age. Career Development Quarterly64(2), 153-168. doi:10.1002/cdq.12048

Career Bridge Comes of Age. (2007). Canadian Issues, 67-69. Retrieved from

Dingemans, E., & Henkens, K. (2014). Involuntary retirement, bridge employment, and satisfaction with life: A longitudinal investigation. Journal Of Organizational Behavior35(4), 575-591. doi:10.1002/job.1914

Gobeski, K. T., & Beehr, T. A. (2009). How retirees work: predictors of different types of bridge employment. Journal Of Organizational Behavior30(3), 401-425. doi:10.1002/job.547

Gubler, M., Arnold, J., & Coombs, C. (2014). Reassessing the protean career concept: Empirical findings, conceptual components, and measurement. Journal Of Organizational Behavior35S23-S40. doi:10.1002/job.1908

Harper, M. C., & Shoffner, M. F. (2004). Counseling for Continued Career Development After Retirement: An Application of the Theory of Work Adjustment. Career Development Quarterly52(3), 272-284.

Hermon, D., & Lent, J. (2012). TRANSITION FROM CAREER TO RETIREMENT: A Psychoeducational Group Design. Career Planning & Adult Development Journal28(2), 33.

lrich, L. B., & Brott, P. E. (2005). Older workers and bridge employment: redefining retirement. Journal Of Employment Counseling42(4), 159-170.

Niles, S. & Harris-Bowlsbey, J. (2012). Career development interventions in the 21st century (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson ISBN(s): 9780133558609, 9780132658591.

Newby, T. J., Stepich, D. A., Lehman, J. D., Russell, J. D., & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. (2011). Educational technology for teaching and learning (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Lytle, M. (2015). Current Trends in Retirement: Implications for Career Counseling and Vocational Psychology. Journal of Career Development Volume: 42 Issue 3 ISSN: 0894-8453 Online ISSN: 1556-0856

McDavid, J.C., Huse, I, & Hawthorn, L.L. (2013). Program evaluation & performance measurement: An introduction to practice (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Mo, W., Yujie, Z., Songqi, L., & Shultz, K. S. (2008). Antecedents of Bridge Employment: A Longitudinal Investigation. Journal Of Applied Psychology93(4), 818-830.

Pengcharoen, C., & Shultz, K. S. (2010). The influences on bridge employment decisions. International Journal of Manpower, 31(3), 322-336. Retrieved from

Quinn, J. F. (2010). Work, Retirement, and the Encore Career: Elders and the Future of the American Workforce. Generations34(3), 45-55.

Reiser, R. & Dempsey, J. (2012). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

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