Analysis of Marketing Communication Strategy


Cult brands nurture myths and rituals and are often based on contradictions in society – examples include iPod/iPhone; Google; Absolut Vodka; Ferrari; Diesel, amongst others. Choose a cult brand and demonstrate its mythic background. Communicating the mythic core of a brand allows for various forms of communication including word-of-mouth and the self-creation of brand myth in brand communities. Develop a brand community platform where consumers and other stakeholders can meet and communicate about the brand.

 Form of presentation: Develop a brand community platform as part of an integrated brand communication strategy.


  1. Objective of Communication

Integrated Brand Communication Strategy for Coca-Cola to bring its consumers all under the one umbrella site for social media to create a community platform for communication.

The use of the existing Coca-Cola Promotion site Coca-Cola Rewards ( and expand it to contain a community program similar to facebook, twitter, instagram to provide an opportunity with the launch of the new product line of “Coke Life”


  1. Target Market

The target of

  • People Enjoying and Sharing Coke,
  • Group Thinking,
  • Fun Times,
  • Look at me! Attitudes
  • Self Promotion
  • Refreshment
  1. Brand Identity & Positioning

Coca-Cola has a very strong brand positioning “Aspiring to be the universal icon of happiness, winning the hearts of every generation, Coca-Cola inspires moments of uplift every day for people around the world.” 1. Recognized all over the world by consumers “Coca-Cola is the leading and most popular soft drink in history, as well as the best-known product in the world” 1.


  1. Evaluation of Choice of Media


  1. Evaluation of Message
    1. Product Attributes – Benefits/ Consequences – Values (end of means model)
    2. Message Strategy ; Elements used to create effective message / persuasion (exciting, engaging, credible, etc.)
    3. Content Relevance
  2. Evaluation of Fit, Brand Identity and Message Strategy

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