Day: April 20, 2018

Mexico is the largest Spanish speaking country in the world and has a significant role to play in terms of the economic and cultural aspects of the world. Mexico as a country is a large economy and is a very populous country and therefore its voice needs to be heard in the international stage. It is also a political powerhouse in the Americas. It is the 15th largest economy in the world and among the top four large auto manufacturers in the world. Mexico is considered a middle power economy with a value of $1.26 trillion. The country boasts of a young population as well as huge prospects of mining and energy. The country also has a growing middle class. (Mathews, G,2012)

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The goal of reflective journaling is to interact with new information that is particularly meaningful to you and to identify resources that will be help you enlarge your conversation by enhancing your interpersonal communication skills. As you engage in the assigned readings and the discussion boards each module/week, make note of insights and understanding that emerge and shed light on the particular communication needs, challenges, barriers, weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, etc. that exist in your interpersonal arena.

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It is the opinion of this writer that Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) should not be armed. It is my intent to illustrate that point in this paper. During my research I will weigh the advantages and disadvantages of arming TSOs, examining each side of the argument. I will also offer a potential solution that while costly will still prove to be less costly than arming TSOs. What has led to this discussion? For a majority of our society it takes years and certain events to take place in our lives for change to occur. Those events include graduating High School/College, getting married, or having children.

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