
Q1. What are the main findings of this consumer research? Please describe them with your own words. Do not copy and paste from the article. (10 points)

Q2. Why are consumers influenced by the “White Space Effect”? In other words, why do consumers have this “White Space Effect”? What are the possible reasons speculated by the authors? Please summarize them with your own words. Do not copy and paste from the article. (20 points)

Q3. Consumer researchers can use different research methods and recruit different participants for their research. In this research, study 1 was a survey conducted among creative directors at major ad agencies, whereas study 2 was a lab experiment using student participants. Please list at least 3 benefits for this research to use hybrid methods and diverse groups of participant. (10 points)

Q4. There is a limitation in the experiment design of study 2. The authors compared the three low white space advertisements with the three high white space advertisements (see Figure 4) and concluded that white space improves consumer’s perception of a brand. However, there exists an alternative explanation for this finding. What is it? What else could alternatively explain the different consumer perceptions between the upper 3 ads and lower 3 ads in Figure 4? (10 points) If you were allowed to add one more advertisement to this study to address this limitation, how would this additional ad look like? Please insert an image of this additional ad and explain in what way it addresses the limitation? (10 points)

Q5. Have you observed any marketplace applications of the “White Space Effect” in the context of fashion or luxury retailing (e.g., stores that sell fashion products and luxury products)? Please describe your observations in detail and relate your observation to the White Space Effect. You are encouraged to supplement photos to illustrate your observations although they are not required if you can describe them well. (20 points)

Q6. If you were the owner of a restaurant, how would you apply the “White Space Effect” in your restaurant to improve customers’ perceptions? Please describe at least two applications in detail. (20 points)

Mechanics of report

San Serif Font— Calibri, Arial, Garamond, etc. Font size—12 Line spacing—single
Pages to be numbered bottom right
Academic reference:
Check if the questions explicitly ask for academic references. This may change from semester to semester. If so, add them. If not, academic references are neither required nor banned. If you directly quote from another article, book, or website, you must follow the university policy in terms of proper referencing. Otherwise, you need to paraphrase it. If you include academic references, add a list of references to the end of this document. This list of references is not counted in word count.

Optional appendix (e.g., photos) can be added on an additional page and not counted in word count. Your submission does NOT need to follow a professional business report format. It does not require components such as executive summary, conclusion, etc. Assessments 2 and 3 reports need to be in business format.

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