Read the Decision Point: Who is to Say What is Right and Wrong?
Discuss the following questions related to this scenario:
1. Would you accept this explanation and be content with your failing grade? If not, how would you defend your own, opposing view?
2. Are there any relevant facts on which you would rely on to support your claim?
3. What values are involved in this dispute?
4. What alternatives are available to you?
5. Besides you and your teacher, are there any other people who are or should be involved in this situation, any other stakeholders?
6. What reasons would you offer to the dean in an appeal to have the grade changed?
7. What consequences would this professor’s practice have on education?
8. If reasoning and logical persuasion do not work, how else could this dispute be resolved?
9. Other than reasoning and logical persuasion, what is the major alternative for resolving conflicts? Of course, the most common alternatives have been force and violence.

Required Text
Hartman, L. P., and J. DesJardins. Business ethics: Decision making for personal integrity and social responsibility. 2. New York, NY: McGraw-Hll, 2011. Print.
ISBN: 9781121821040……………..

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