
  Research paper is due May 7th on Slavery and the effects it had on America.

· How did Slavery effect the politics of America during that time?

· How did it effect the women at that time?

· What was the social economic effect of slavery?

· How did it effect the African American culture then and what are the lasting effects of slavery now?

· Why did America get involved in the Slave Trade?

· Your research paper should be: 7 pages minimum and written in Chicago Manual of Style. (7 pages including the title page and bibliography, so only 5 pages minimum of actual writing)

· It should have footnote citations at the bottom of the page.

· Your paper should also include a title page, and a bibliography.

· Your bibliography should have: 3 primary sources, and 4 secondary sources.

· What are Primary Sources? Primary Sources are first-hand accounts: letters, diaries, journals, newspaper articles, books from that time period, or someone who has witnessed the event, or was alive at that time?

· Secondary sources are from today’s (more recent) times. This would include books, dvds, etc. check Chicago Manual of Style for more clarification.

· Here is a good resource for your research paper:

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