Business Information Systems coursework specification 2014-15


This is an assignment to produce a professional report on a given topic related to the course content from Business Information Systems, working together in groups.  This will include researching the topic to deliver original content, including recent developments in the topic chosen.  This coursework is worth 30% of the total module mark.


List of topics


  • Mobile Computing has the potential to transform the way that many organizations run their businesses. Examine in detail the functionality and practical uses of Mobile Computing technology and describe how it might be used in any large organization of your own choice.


  • Much has been written about the potential of End User Computing (EUC) to improve the productivity and empower individuals in organisations. Discuss the kinds of technologies that may be provided to non-computing specialists in an organization to bring about this change and discuss in detail the advantages and pitfalls associated with EUC within the specific context of an organization of your choice.


  • You have been asked to acquire a groupware system to support the collaborative work done by research groups within Queen Mary, University of London. The main functions to be supported include:


  1. Gathering and accessing relevant research materials (which are often web based and often include multimedia.
  2. Collaborative writing of documents (grant proposals, designs of experiments and research papers)
  3. Email and online conferencing
  4. Tracking the progress of a range of tasks associated with different projects being worked on by groups.


Compare and contrast available groupware products that could be used to perform these tasks and make a series of detailed recommendations about which system should be adopted and why.


  • Examine the phenomenon of Cloud Computing. In what ways is it making individuals and organisations change the way in which they use technology. Analyse the potential benefits and pitfalls to business organisations that adopt Cloud Computing as a central part of their information systems strategy.


  • “Big data” is a term that appears frequently these days in media coverage of the Computing industry. Produce a report that clearly explains what “big data” is, and the technical approaches firms are using to analyse it. Critically analyse the business benefits that have been claimed can come from the use of “big data” within organisations.


  • The growth in the use of Social Media has been dramatic and worldwide. Put together a report that examines the ways in which social media is being used by organizations, what it is being used for and what benefits have been demonstrated to come from this. Explore any downsides of the use of social media either to business or governmental organizations or to specific individuals.


Forming a group and topic choice

You should form yourselves into groups of 2-4 and register your group on the intranet.  . Choose one of the topics given below and allocate a member of your Group to e-mail [email protected] with the topic that you have chosen and the members of your Group.  This should be done by February 1st 2013 (end of week 4). The work will be submitted electronically as a Group on QMplus.


Report Criteria

  • You are writing for an Information Systems knowledgeable reader, for example the manager of an IT department in which you may be working, who has commissioned the report.
  • Each Group should produce a report of no more than 3,000 words.  Fewer words are fine as long as you are sure that you have answered the question in full.
  • The report must be focused and specifically address the topic.  Marks will be deducted for large amounts of content that do not support the chosen topic.
  • This should be written as a professional report with appropriate formatting and written style and a logical and clear structure.
  • The content must be well researched from a variety of sources, which cover all aspects of the argument being made or area being discussed.  Any data or sources quoted must be properly referenced (see more details below).
  • Consider ways to make your report readable and appealing such as the use of appropriate graphics to support your writing.
  • There must be a bibliography listing your sources in A/Z order by author.  You may find software plug-ins to your word processing software such as Mendeley or EndNote useful.
  • Details of technology must be applied to the business or topic chosen specifically, Groups who write generically about technology without applying it to the chosen topic and/or organisation will not score high marks.

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