response Paper Requestment


Per class today, please see below for instructions on the brief writing assignment due a week from today, Monday April 6.


Rather than a final reading quiz, you are being asked to write a 2-page typed response to the following prompt. Your response should MAKE AN ARGUMENT. Your responses will become the basis for a debate that will run for the first half of next week’s class. Be ready to argue and support…


Shorts clips on Dudeism can be found on D2L.


Prompt: You must for or against the film and Dudeism…

What are the implications if religion can be constructed directly out of the frames, symbols, and meanings of a fully fictionalized movie?? Stated differently, what becomes of religion, belief in the divine, and religious values when these are found not only vis-à-vis a transcendent God, but also in a Cohen Brother’s comedy? Can religion simply be created? If so, what is religion?


The movie is The Big Lebowski


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