Westernisation and un-Japaneseness in A Wild Sheep Chase by Murakami Haruki
An Argumentative Essay
1.MLA Style
2. 1.5 or double spacing
3. Times New Roman, 12pt
4. Numbered pages
5. Give essay a title that reflects the main topic

Assignment topic: Westernisation and un-Japaneseness are often regarded as characteristic of Murakami Harukis fiction. Discuss “American” elements in A Wild Sheep Chase at micro and macro levels. (For example, material references in the text, lifestyle of the characters, and literary genre, and their social implications in Japan and in Murakamis work.) And refer to Rebecca Suterss “Murakami Haruki, Japan, and America” in The Japanization of Modernity (2008) and at least two academic works…………….

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