Write an essay with the strong and cleat thesis statement and explore the interplay between collectivization and technology based on the two films: Hitler’s constructions (film link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbeSg9a0clk) Enthusiasm by dziga vertov (Film link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUInm2dC6Ug ) Discuss how thet relate to the particular social and political cries.
Paper should address above films and discuss and explicate the role of national film in negotiating social and political crises. Explore the representations of individuals and groups.
Consider the ways in which machinery (including that of the sound film) functions on behalf of distinct ideological projects. Utilize the following three readings to demonstrate the idea and make the argument on the essay. Don’t use other outside source. Readings: Robin, The Crowd, The collective/Kracauer Siegfried The mass ornament Weimar/ Siegfried Kracauer from caligari to Hitler. Be sure to cite the page and words from this reading.
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