the report about integration team and its impact on the project performance and innovation the writer should focus about :
how that integration from the team in different factors like communication impact the performance and the innovation in the project
the writer should notice that the project is group students report except number (figure number 5 kindly check the description down )will be individual so the writer should write three different case studies for three projects to do the cross case analysis in the part (figure number 6 kindly check the description down each student should analyse the case studies for other.

the report should be written as following :
1-executive summary one page

2-literature review :critical analysis for the current literature about integration team and its impact on the project performance and innovation(performance and innovation )both factors 1000 words

3- conceptual framework explain the factors in the literature review

4_methodology:the methodology should be qualitative based on primary data collected through interview or questionnaire the questions should be written on appendix for each case separately

5- three case studies different projects the writer does not have to name the project you can name it as project x for organization x

*first case study will be for about x project and how the integration team impact the project x performance and innovation for exampleyou should write about factors impacted the project performance and innovation by integrated team 1000 words

*second case study second case study will be for about x project and how the integration team impact the project x performance and innovation for example you should write about factors impacted the project performance and innovation by integrated team 1000 words

*third case study third case study will be for about x project and how the integration team impact the project x performance and innovation for example you should write about factors impacted the project performance and innovation by integrated team 1000 words

6-cross case analysis :the group of the three student should analyse the previous case studies 1000 words
each student should discuss the case study for other student 1000 words for all of them 350 word for each one .

7- findings

8-conclusion and recommendations related to discussion


10- appendix
first case study questions or questionnaire
second case study questions or questionnaire
third case study questions or questionnaire

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