The Importance of Culture in Organizations

by Kayla Lowe, Demand Media

Every organization has its own culture. Since many employees spend 40 or more hours at their workplace, their organization’s culture obviously affects both their work lives as well as their personal lives. Organizational culture refers to the beliefs, ideologies, principles and values that the individuals of an organization share. This culture is a determining factor in the success of the organization.

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A shared organizational culture helps to unite employees of different demographics. Many employees within an organization come from different backgrounds, families and traditions and have their own cultures. Having a shared culture at the workplace gives them a sense of unity and understanding towards one another, promoting better communication and less conflict. In addition, a shared organizational culture promotes equality by ensuring no employee is neglected at the workplace and that each is treated equally.


Organizational culture helps to keep employees motivated and loyal to the management of the organization. If employees view themselves as part of their organization’s culture, they are more eager to want to contribute to the entity’s success. They feel a higher sense of accomplishment for being a part of an organization they care about and work harder without having to be coerced.


Healthy competition among employees is one of the results of a shared organizational culture. Employees will strive to perform at their best to earn recognition and appreciation from their superiors. This in turn increases the quality of their work, which helps the organization prosper and flourish.


Guidelines contribute to organizational culture. They provide employees with a sense of direction and expectations that keep employees on task. Each employee understands what his roles and responsibilities are and how to accomplish tasks prior to established deadlines.


An organization’s culture defines its identity. An entity’s way of doing business is perceived by both the individuals who comprise the organization as well as its clients and customers, and it is determined by its culture. The values and beliefs of an organization contribute to the brand image by which it becomes known and respected.

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