The Moderating Influence of Procedural Fariness on the Relationship Between Work-Life Conflict and Organizational Commitment

Article Review
the following questions should be discussed. )analysis of the information within the reading is imperative and it is the fundamental purpose of the reading assignment.)
1. is this a good read why or why not?
2. what is the viewpoint of the author?
3. what impact will this topic have on organizational behavior in general?
4. what are your thoughts regarding the article’s content?
5. Expand and explain your thoughts and explanations. The majority of the review content should come from 3 and 4
review should be an analysis of the content which indicates an understanding of the topic
review must be written in APA format with correct grammar and spelling
review should be a minimum of two to three pages not including the reference page. typed, double spaced, font size no larger than 12 using two references at least

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