Unit 9499

Business Communication and Context G


Individual Assignment


To be submitted on the unit Moodle site by

 5pm Monday 13 April


This project addresses topics in the course including:



Task:                Scoping Study Upper Molonglo Rail Trail;


Prepare a Scoping Study for a Rail Trail Development from Bungendore to Captain’s Flat in rural NSW near Canberra


Scope of Task

As a Research Associate at the University of Canberra Business School you have been contracted by the Bungendore Progress Association to conduct a scoping study for a proposed rail trail development on the abandoned rail line between Captains Flat and Bungendore.


The NSW government has invited regional groups to submit Rail Trail proposals for funding in the 2015-16 Financial year. 


This scoping study will assist the Progress Association in preparing the documentation for a NSW Government Grant.



Submit as a Word Document

Use Arial  font , 12 point , single line spacing


Length:               2500-3000 words


Background and resources :


Terms of Reference for the task are at Attachment A
A marking sheet for the Assignment is at Attachment B

Additional Resources are on the Unit Moodle Site.


Submit:  Through the unit Moodle site by 5pm Monday 13 April

Attachment A:  Terms of Reference – Rail Trail Scoping Project

Attachment B:

Attachment A

 Terms of Reference – Rail Trail Scoping Project


The Bungendore Progress Association requires a Scoping Study to assist in preparing grant applications for the Bungendore to Captain’s Flat Rail Trail – more recently known as the Upper Molonglo Rail Trail.


The Scoping Study needs to address the following issues:


  1. An assessment of the proposed route including:


  1. Some background data on the success of Rail Trails in other localities in Australia;


  1. Possible barriers to development including any issues likely to arise from Landowners along the route;


  1. Identification of key stakeholders and support groups.


  1. An assessment of the current political environment and funding opportunities;


  1. Some indication of possible construction costs.

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