1. As researchers who aspire to approach the subject scientifically, do we have to differentiate between different kinds of terrorism? When crafting your response, make reference to the implications of your answer both for studying and for countering terrorism.
2. What is ‘radicalisation’? Do you think that countering radicalisation is the best way to counter terrorism? When crafting your answer, make reference to theories and scholarly accounts which have been put forward to explain radicalisation and terrorism.
3. Is there a future for the search for a “terrorist profile”? When crafting your response, make reference to the implications of your answer for countering terrorism. Remember to support your position adequately.
4. “Today’s terrorists can strike at any place, at any time, and with virtually any weapon” (US Department of Homeland Security). Do you agree with this statement? What are the implications of your answer for countering terrorism?

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