Begin to formulate your personal biblical theology of teaching in Christian education–in the arena of the local church. Your paper should reflect critical thinking and synthesis of material gathered in reading, in Scripture, and in the class notes. Additional sources may be required. You are asked to reflect upon the biblical and theological content and provide practical application to ministry. Your target audience is the lay-persons in the church—those who are servant leaders in a teaching ministry position.

The paper will express your personal philosophy of biblical and theological foundations for ministry in the church. Beginning with Disciple-making in the church, (week 6) through Pastor and Disciple-making church (week 8) articulate the role of the church in Christian education.

The grade for this assignment will be based on thoroughness, biblical references, appropriately cited sources, application of the content to ministry, and professional writing style.

Compile your paper using the notes you have made in your notebook. Integrate the text reading, the class notes, and your personal experiences to draw practical applications for the local church.


The chapter for this week, “The Pastor as Teacher,” takes an extensive look at the role, responsibilities, and character of the pastor as the spiritual leader in the church. Yount examines varying leadership types and develops the role of the pastor to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry.” There is no need to repeat his observations so we will look, instead, at the arena in which the pastor is to give leadership. Many pastors are the sole leader in the church, and others have a large staff to assist them in ministry. Whatever the situation, the pastor still has responsibility for leading the team. As the main leader in the educational ministry, he has many responsibilities.

Some of you will be familiar already with the organizational model promoted by LifeWay, the 1-5-4 Principle. In the book, Kingdom Principles for Church Growth, Gene Mims explains the mission of the church and the functions that grow out of it.[i] Mims referred to it as a Church MAP (Model and Process). The Great Commission and the functions of the church were not new, and they were firmly founded in the Scripture. The same purpose and functions of the church are acknowledged across denominations, although sometimes, different descriptive terms are used……….

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