Read 72-80, “Eating Made Simple” by Nestle (2) Read 115-17, “The Business Case for Healthier Food Options” by Obama (Book Food matters by holly bauer) PLEASE ONLY USE THESE TWO SOURCES

For the one page summary i am going to need an outline instead
~create (type) a thorough outline adding the main points of your topic sentences AND the corresponding support of the main points of the paragraphs—bullet points are fine

instructions: CHOOSE ONE prompt below that you will use for your essay #1, and develop your thesis by considering all questions associated with your prompt. (2)Find four different and substantial ways (topics) of proving your thesis which utilizes information from both readings in each topic idea

i am choosing prompt C

Prompt(C) “Think about the story of nutrition in America that Nestle tells [in ‘Eating Made Simple’] (72) in relation to the optimism Michelle Obama expresses in ‘The Business Case for Healthier Food Options’ (115). What does each emphasize? What values do they share? [Then in your essay answer this part of the prompt→] How does evidence presented by Nestle support, contradict, [and] or complicate Obama’s evidence? Do you think Nestle would share Obama’s optimism if she considered the evidence that Obama presents? Why or why not?” (81).

I just need a thesis no more than two sentences
and 4 body paragraphs
each topic sentence should be an argument
and no conclusion is needed
thank you

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