Mr Smith is a 65 –year- old man who has called for an ambulance after having a 2- hour history of central chest pain. He has no known history of cardiac disease. He is a smoker and is overweight. He has been unwell for the past few days with indigestion-type symptoms.Mr Smith is transported to the emergency department (ED) at his local hospital. He is triaged and has a 12-lead ECG taken (Fig 22.CS1). His vital signs are recorded blood pressure is 122/88 mmHg, pulse regular 83beats/minute and respiratory rate 24 breaths/minute


Guidelines (Please use headings to organise your assignment)

  1. Provide an introduction that concisely outlines your assignment including the focus of your critique (<150 words)
  2. Provide an outline of the case study being used (<200 words)
  3. Compare and discuss how the roles of a Registered Nurse (without endorsement) in a non-rural health care facility, would differ with that of a Rural and Isolated Practice

Endorsed Nurse in a Rural or Isolated Area in relation to the case. Provide legal,

professional standards and ethical support for the extended role of the Rural and Isolated  Practice Endorsed Nurse. (500 words)

  1. Discuss the steps you would take to determine the triage category relative to your case

study patient and support your category with appropriately referenced rationales and  evidence based practice literature. (500 words)

  1. Discuss the stabilisation and management of the patient in your case study relating your discussion to evidence based literature. (500 words)

4  ANP5003 – Emergency care

  1. Relate from a professional, legal and ethical perspective how the Rural and Isolated

Practice Endorsed Nurse functions in your case study in concert with the collaborative  care of other health professionals (500 words)

  1. Provide a short conclusion summarising your recommendations justifying the role of

Rural and Isolated Practice Endorsement in relation to improving health outcomes of  patients living in rural and isolated settings. (150 words)

  1. Include in text references and a reference list using the APA style

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