Marketing communication plan
Adopting the role of a marketing communications consultant create a marketing communications plan for the launch of a new organic energy bar in the UK.
You should develop a one-year marketing communications plan to launch a campaign for a new organic energy bar . The market place is crowded so your campaign should be designed so it stands out.
– Review the external environment to decide on a new organic energy bar that would appeal to a market segment (justifying your choices)
– Define your campaign objectives
– Decide on your positioning by assessing the competition and compile a perceptual map to identify a gap in the market
– Explain your brand identity and personality as well as the value proposition, giving reasons for your choices
– Consider how your new organic energy bar will be distributed and the implications for the marcomms campaign
– Using a range of traditional and digital tools, devise and justify the promotional strategy to reach the customer (and intermediaries)
o Consider the appeal to be used
o Give reasons for the chosen message and the source
o Explain how and why you will create a buzz
o Think of the schedule (pulse, drip, )
– Develop a media plan, giving reasons for your suggestions
– Explain the evaluation techniques to be employed.
• The target group are 18 – 25 year olds.
• The plan is to cover a 12 month period.
• Create a brand name – remember that brands have values and those values should link to your marketing communications. In other words – what intrinsic values are you seeking to communication?

Your plan must be written in report form and include:

– An executive summary (not included in the word count). No more than one page.
– The media that will be used and a rationale for choice of each media.
– Any potential marketing communication issues or risks.
– A full reference list in the Harvard format. All sources of information to support your plan must be cited within the main body of text. (The reference list is not included in the word count.) It is expected that you will conduct extensive secondary research to develop your plan.
– Appendices: If you use appendices restrict them to four pages maximum. (Appendices are not included in the word count)……………………………

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