4. Managing processes
The trim line at PW is a small subassembly line that, along with other such lines, feeds
into the final chassis line. The entire assembly line, which consists of more than 900
workstations, is to make PW’s new E cars. The trim line itself involves only 13 work
elements and must handle 20 cars per hour. Work-element data are found in Table 4.
a. Use the most followers work element decision rule to balance the line and
calculate the efficiency of your solution. [4]
b. Calculate the desired cycle time (minutes) for the requested output rate. [2]
c. Determine the theoretical minimum number of workstations required and which
elements are assigned to each work station. [6]
d. Determine the resulting efficiency and balance delay percentages. [4]
e. Use the shortest work element rule to balance the assembly line, along with the
efficiency of the line. [4]
f. Construct a precedence diagram. [4]
Work Homant Time (Sec) hnenadiate Predecessor(s)