
In 2018, 2 Black men walked into a Starbucks in downtown Philadelphia and asked to use the restroom. They had not purchased anything, so an employee refused the request. After sitting and chatting with each other for some time, these men were asked to leave, but declined, resulting in an employee calling the police.
Some of what happened next was recorded in a video that has been viewed more than 8 million times on Twitter and was described by the CEO of Starbucks as “very hard to watch.” The men, who have not been identified, were arrested on suspicion of trespassing. But, Starbucks did not want to press charges and the men were later released. Details of the episode ignited widespread criticism on social media, created anger among public officials and prompted investigations.
Not long after the incident, the hashtag #BoycottStarbucks was trending on Twitter. Kevin R. Johnson, Starbucks’ CEO, released a statement in which he called the situation a “reprehensible outcome.” He also pledged to investigate, and to “make any necessary changes to our practices that would help prevent such an occurrence from ever happening again. Starbucks stands firmly against discrimination or racial profiling Regretfully, our practices and training led to a bad outcome—the basis for the call to the Philadelphia Police Department was wrong. Our store manager never intended for these men to be arrested and this should never have escalated as it did.”
“Is training needed? To answer this question properly, a needs assessment must occur. The outcome of a needs analysis should answer the questions: what is needed, who needs it, and what problems will it solve?”
To make certain that training is the right solution for a performance issue, that it is timely and focused on priority issues, a needs assessment should be approached systematically. Think of it as trying to identify the training problem.
After reading and reviewing Chapter 3 (8th ed.), on the Needs Analysis Process, answer the following

  1. WHAT –
  1. Use the needs analysis process model (Figure 3.1, 8th ed.) to understand and analyze what happened at Starbucks. Consider each step in the process. Describe what you learn from your analysis at each step and each level:
  • organizational (examining the environment and strategy of the company)
  • task (reviewing the activities of the work to determine the competencies needed)
  • person (reviewing the activities of the workers to determine the competencies needed) (REMEMBER: Do not summarize any solutions at this stage).
  1. What methods and sources would you use to conduct your needs analysis (Table 3.4, 8th edition)
  1. WHY –

Using Table 3.2(8th Edition) “Barriers to Effective Performance” identify and consider the potential sources & barriers to effective performance.

    1. Using the Mager and Pipe Flowchart in Figure 3.2 (8th edition), as your guide, explore some possible solutions to the problem(s).
    2. Using Figure 3.2 (8th ed.) assess under what conditions training is most likely to be the best solution to Starbuck performance problem(s).

Specific training objectives must be developed to address the identified gap(s).A training objective should state exactly what trainees are expected to be able to do (behaviours) after a training program(s). Write the training objective(s) of a training program for employees at Starbucks.


What content would you include in a training program for the employees at Starbucks?What competencies or knowledge, skills, and abilities do Starbucks employees need? (note you are not designing the full training program here – just stating the specific gap that will be addressed through any future training that results from your thorough and insightful needs analysis)
Needs Analysis Assignment Rubric/Marking Guide

1 2 3 4 5 Mark
Identification of problem to be solved through training
(10 marks)
No problem identified (0).
No further assessment will done resulting in a grade of zero for the entire assignment
Symptoms identified Some sort of attempt is made to identify the underlying problem Underlying problem identified Underlying problem identified and logic established about the problem being solved through training
Information Flow
(10 marks)
Information is not competently organized around the topic; report does not adequately address the requirements Limited understanding of topic demonstrated; report addresses requirements in a limited way Adequate understanding of concepts articulated with consistency and accuracy; report addresses requirements Advanced understanding of concepts articulated with reference to relevant examples; report addresses questions/issues with details and specifics Thorough and detailed understanding of concepts; articulated with ease; report elaborates on responses citing specific evidence / examples, findings
Needs Analysis/ Barriers to Effective Performance
(20 marks)
Analysis is limited with no clear indication of impact or relevance to case incident Analysis is not clearly associated to the case incident Analysis is sufficiently reflective and consistently relates to the case incident Analysis is clearly articulated and
realistically addresses/relates to the case incident
Analysis is clearly articulated and expertly addresses findings with short and long term thinking in mind
Recommendations (Needs Analysis)
(10 marks)
Incomplete Not adequately expressed and/or are not related to the needs analysis Are complete and relates to the needs analysis Are thorough and from time to time, supported with relevant evidence to strengthen needs analysis Are extensively supported with relevant evidence to strengthen needs analysis

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