
The turnover of key employees can have a disproportionate impact on the business and the people organizations wish to retain are probably the ones most likely to leave. Reed (2001) claims that: Every worker is five minutes away from handing in his or her notice, and 150 working hours away from walking out of the door to a better offer. There is no such thing as a ‘job for life’ and today’s workers have few qualms about leaving employers for greener pastures… The average permanent job in the UK lasts six years.
Concerted action is required to retain talented people, but there are limits to what any organization can do. It is also necessary to encourage the greatest contribution from existing talent and to value them accordingly.
Critically outline the factors that aids the retention and motivation of high performers in an organization with necessary example and an application from the industry of your choice?

Discuss and critically analyze and example from the industry. 1 PAGE
Propose additional resources (expertise, tools, software and hardware) and time frame required to enable digital transformation in HR. Identify which processes will be phased out with the intervention of a digital platform. 1 PAGE
Recommend several strategies that is applicable to the organization (do consider looking at the perspective of multi-generation workforce)

3 PAGE 2.0 SPACING Arial

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The turnover of key employees can have a disproportionate impact on the business and the people organizations wish to retain are probably the ones most likely to leave. Reed (2001) claims that: Every worker is five minutes away from handing in his or her notice, and 150 working hours away from walking out of the door to a better offer. There is no such thing as a ‘job for life’ and today’s workers have few qualms about leaving employers for greener pastures… The average permanent job in the UK lasts six years. Concerted action is required to retain talented people, but there are limits to what any organization can do. It is also necessary to encourage the greatest contribution from existing talent and to value them accordingly. Critically outline the factors that aids the retention and motivation of high performers in an organization with necessary example and an application from the industry of your choice? Discuss and critically analyze and example from the industry.1 PAGE   Propose additional resources (expertise, tools, software and hardware) and time frame required to enable digital transformation in HR. Identify which processes will be phased out with the intervention of a digital platform.1 PAGERecommendations Recommend several strategies that is applicable to the organization (do consider looking at the perspective of multi-generation workforce)1 PAGE 3 PAGE 2.0 SPACING Arial

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