Phase 5: Developing a Care Plan

You are now in Phase 5 of the Capstone project. Last week, you conducted a risk assessment to identify the health risks faced by the aggregate you selected.

Aggregate= (African American Men Newly Diagnosed with HIV in the Atlanta, Georgia, Fulton county). Case study from last week included: Mr. Harrison is a single 32 year old diagnosed with HIV six years ago, who abuses alcohol. Mr. Harrison shares a one bedroom apartment with 3 roommates, his living conditions are most often unsanitary, and one his roommates is also an IV drug user. Mr. Harrison resides in Fulton, county in government assisted housing. Mr. does not have an automobile, he relies on public transportation and friends for transportation. Mr. Harrison has difficulty communicating his needs to medical staff and family, because of stigma associated with his diagnosis. Mr. Harrison’s overall health is poor, he is frequently non-compliant with medications and follow-up. Mr. Harrison a lot of fast food and sugars. Mr. Harrison states he cannot afford medications and health care services. Recent hospitalization for pneumonia, received IV antibiotics for 7 days. He is also on Medicaid

Your comprehensive care plan should be in a 5-page Microsoft Word document in APA format. Be sure to apply Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT) in your assessment process.

The care plan should propose 4 NANDA nursing diagnosis for the aggregate and include strategies to tackle the major health risks identified during the risk assessment.

READ CASE STUDY ABOVE TO GET OTHER IDEAS- Health risk include= Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Alcohol abuse, Advanced progression of disease due to non-compliance of treatments and medications.

In addition, it should include a disaster management plan with the following components:

  • List of disasters that might affect your aggregate (take into consideration the geographical location of the aggregate, past history, etc.) The geographical location is Atlanta, Georgia in Fulton county only.

Example of disaster tornado, last year worst snow storm etc.. Must name at least 3 with supporting Journal articles.

  • Strategies for handling at  disasters from the list Example- Disaster plan
  • Recommendation for a disaster supplies kit



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