Section A

1. a) There are certain factors that will determine how we will act under fire situations. Discuss any three (3) of the following factors:
 Population and density
 Individuals alone or in groups
 Familiarity with building
 Distribution and activities
 Alertness
 Physical/cognitive abilities
[15 marks]
b) Calculate the time it takes for an adult male walking along a 100m corridor when density is 0.70 persons / m2, 0.60 persons / m2, 0.50 persons / m2 0.40 persons / m2 Use the equations in Appendix A. Comment on the effect of density on the travel time.
[10 Marks]
[Total 25 Marks]

2. Most high-rise buildings are designed to be accessible by mobility impaired occupants; this is achieved by use of a lift.
a) Explain the escape problems for such a person and whether or not a lift might be considered a suitable means of escape.
b) Suggest an appropriate solution to ensure the safe evacuation of disabled persons from high-rise building in the event of fire.
[Total 25 marks]

3. a) Explain the difference between “Total simultaneous evacuation” and “Total phased evacuation” giving example where each evacuation strategy can be applied.
[15 Marks]
b) According to Table 4 of Approved Document B, what is the minimum exit width required to accommodate:
i) 220 people
ii) 320 people
iii) 10 people
iv) 111 people
v) 59 people

Section B
5. In the UK, the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and other legislation makes use of the acronyms ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable). The ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable) principle recognises that there are three broad categories of risks, Explain each of the following;
a) Hazard and risk? Give an example of each.
b) Negligible risk
c) Tolerable risk
d) Unacceptable risk
[Total 25 marks]

6. The Fire safety legislation of the UK has been simplified rationalised and consolidated with respect to fire safety in buildings in use.
a) Explain the key stages of a Fire Risk Assessment.
[20 marks]
b) Define the term “competent person”.
[5 marks]
[Total 25 marks]

7. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 changed significantly the England and Wales Fire Safety regulatory system, in comparison with the Fire Precautions Act 1971 and other legislation that had gone before. Summarise the main changes to the philosophy of fire safety regulation introduced by this Act and give example with which you are familiar.

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