Your assignment has 3 parts:
1. Find out if income inequality in Canada has increased or decreased since 1980.
2. If inequality was increasing/decreasing, what would you expect to see happen in any two of these areas? Explain the logic of how each has increased/decreased inequality in Canada.
a. Immigration into Canada.
b. Educational attainment in Canada.
c. Trade between Canada and the rest of the world.
3. Confirm or disconfirm the hypotheses you developed.
Write this up as a 2 page essay, clearly identifying your argument for why inequality has increased/decreased, then explaining how.
※Specify the changes in 1980
What’s the major income inequality in Canada?
・Trying figure out how much has increased
・How’s the education change

Academic source [book, journal] use data

More comprehensive paper

Income inequality ↑
In this paper, I will explain [object of the paper]
In this paper, I will develop test 2 hypothesis
My first hypothesis=
My second hypothesis=
I find that rise of income inequality is a result of ~[ex. education, trade…]
specify: thesis, causal mechanism

Which hypothesis is correct? Or appropriate?
→wrong, correct [this order]

※Two compete hypothesis

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