on several occasions while in patrol.
The sergeant assigns Johnny to work with Tony for the next few weeks, and makes a comment in front of the entire squad “Tony, do not get Johnny in trouble.” Johnny has never worked with him nor has any knowledge of him.
Biographical Information
– Tony Denardo
– 32 years of age
– 6 year veteran of narcotics
– Received several commendations
– Has several active informants
– Highest squad producer
– Has had several minor internal complaints that have not been substantiated
– Is divorced two times
– Currently living with an ex- female dancer.
Within the first day Tony provides Johnny with his philosophy: general orders are for patrol officers, supervisors are spineless, and all they want are numbers. Johnny also is not fond of being a training officer and normally likes working alone. He believes that their sergeant, whom he likes, has put Johnny with him to make him (Tony) work as a team player. Tony has also stated he is good enough to train new agents but not good enough to be a team leader.
Johnny is excited about the new assignment. He becomes a sponge on forms, procedures, policies, and any other syncretistic things he sees from the unit.
Within the first week of the new assignment, Johnny and Tony are assigned to assist the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in surveillance of a suspect involved in a smuggling operation. Johnny and Tony are to ride together and take a fixed position at the individual’s place
of business. This investigation will eventually become a wiretap and the information they observe will be used to support the court order. Their assignment is scheduled to last at least three days. They are instructed not to conduct any surveillance on the suspect but only to monitor the activity at the business. The DEA will conduct any mobile surveillance. The surveillance is expected to last for 12 hours each day from 3:00 pm to 3:00 am.
Both agents meet at the off site location and leave in one vehicle. Tony drives, and on the way, stops at a local convenience store to purchase a six pack of beer and indicates that it is a prop.
The first night comes and goes with no activity.
The second and third day come and go with no activity. During the surveillance operation, Tony openly discusses his feeling about the narcotics unit and the agency. The key issues of their discussion are:
 Thankless job
 No support from supervisors
 Enforcement policies are not realistic
 You are only as good as your informant
 The squad sticks together
 Do not trust Harry (another agent on another squad)
 Be careful around Terri (a very attractive young typist in the unit who is the step daughter of the executive assistant to the chief)
 Lieutenant Marnings is a jerk and a do nothing ( assigned to the interdiction team and is looking only to make a name for himself)
 Your sergeant will take care of you; just don’t give him too much information
Both agents agree that the assignment was boring, unnecessary, and a total waste of time. They felt that they were used by the agency and DEA to do the grunt work.
During the next two weeks, Johnny and Tony are working close together. Tony introduces Johnny to several of his active informants and even allows Johnny to make several small purchases of drugs. In fact, during one of the purchases, both agents negotiated for several ounces of powder cocaine which resulted in a buy bust operation where a large amount of drugs and several weapons were seized. This arrest has the potential to flip one of the arrested subjects into an informant. This subject is currently working with his attorney and going to offer testimony with the State Attorney’s Office in exchange for a lesser charge. The information may contribute to a Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) investigation. However, if this case does develop, it will be turned over to the major case squad. Tony is not happy about doing all of the leg work and giving up this case to another squad. He is extremely vocal and has become insubordinate with his comments.
They also have conducted several investigations in local bars that are known for the distribution of drugs. Tony has consumed several mixed drinks, played pool, and purchased cigarettes for his consumption, paying for all of that with contingency funds.
During one investigation, Tony met with an informant who was going to set up a small purchase of marijuana. Tony told the informant to have the suspect meet them at the bar area of a local restaurant around 6:00 pm. Upon the agent’s arrival, Tony orders appetizers and an alcoholic beverage for both of them while waiting for the suspect and informant. When the informant, who is a female, arrives with the suspect, Tony gets up kisses her on the mouth, grabs her butt and makes an off color comment. Everyone laughs and Tony then makes a small purchase of drugs. After about 30 minutes, the suspect and informant depart. At end of the evening, the drugs are put into evidence and Tony logs an expense of $50.00, which includes the $20.00 purchase of narcotics and $30.00 investigative expenses. The following day, Johnny meets Tony at the office where Tony indicates that, on his way to work, the informant contacted him and he met and paid her $50.00 for her part in the purchase of narcotics. Tony tells Johnny to witness the signature on the receipt. Johnny complies and the receipt is filed with the report.
After the first two months, Johnny has been allowed to developed his own informants and actively work his own cases. Johnny has commented (like Tony) he likes working alone but is willing to assist other agents.
Tony and the squad occasionally meet on Mondays evenings, around 9:00 pm at a local sports bar and watch Monday night football until the end of shift. During this time, they openly consume alcoholic beverages and the expense is written off to a bar file.
Johnny becomes a high producer and during the next three years he has:
 Been involved in several major cases
 Written and executed over 15 search warrants
 Been deemed an expert in drug investigations by a local court
 Received a unit award for highest stats in a month
 Been respected by his peers for his knowledge of drug enforcement
 Seized not only drugs but also weapons and stolen property
 Been criticized by his peer for not being a team player
 Received several verbal reprimands which included late reports, improper language, in-subornation, and lateness
 Received a written reprimand for a minor traffic accident with an undercover vehicle
 Noted on his last evaluation, his supervisor never made a derogatory comment about any problems, but stated he was an aggressive, competent, and proactive agent
One night, while Johnny working, he was contacted by Tony to meet him at a local topless bar for a drink after work and Tony indicated that his girlfriend was interviewing for a job. Johnny met Tony and they drank alcoholic beverages and were out past 3:00 am. Johnny had no problems utilizing his unmarked car and never received approval from his supervisor.
Johnny is progressively working late on cases which have begun to take a toll on his marriage. Johnny, in the past, went to church each weekend with the family and taught bible classes when the church was in need of his services. He would never consume alcohol around the house but would occasionally have a drink at dinner while dining out. Today, Johnny still does not drink at home, but has increased his consumption of alcohol while working. He has discontinued attending church and blames it on his late work hours. Johnny’s squad currently works Tuesday
through Saturday from 3:00 pm to 12:00 am. Johnny seldom comes home immediately after work.
Johnny has taken up weightlifting with other agents in his squad and normally plays racquetball each day before going to work. This
activity, though noble, is affecting his responsibilities around the house. His wife has hired a lawn maintenance person to take care of the property due to his inattentiveness.
In fact, at 1:30 am on December 25th, Johnny was off for the Christmas holiday but received a phone call from his sergeant, demanding that he report to the office to assist with surveillance. Allegedly, the Divisions Major Case Squad received information that a load of narcotics was going to arrive at a local airstrip in the county. Their squad was to support the operation. This incident caused his wife to demand that he must make a choice – family or job. Johnny left the home and did not return until December 27th because the operation required major surveillance. At the conclusion, no drugs or arrests were made.
Over the next six months, Johnny faced several different personal and professional challenges. Terri was transferred to evening shift and they started going out after work with others and sometimes by themselves for drinks. At the same time, he was assigned to train a very attractive single female partner who is new to the unit. He also was having more verbal disagreements with his wife about his assignments, the long hours, and his not listening to her concerns. On several occasions she complained to him that he interrogated her and the children. Due to the increase in disagreements, Johnny has spent a few nights at Tony’s house.
After a new administrator was appointed to the agency, Internal Affairs was ordered to complete a budget audit of investigative expenses. Johnny was challenged on several expenses which appeared to be improper uses of contingency funds, but no formal complaint or discipline was ever filed. After this incident with Internal Affairs, Johnny began openly challenging all management’s decisions and policies. Johnny was also very vocal about a recent situation, where another agent from another squad was terminated for excessive force. He let it be known that the termination was not fair and Johnny felt management was out to get them.
Your assignment is to write a critical review on the ethical dilemmas that have been presented. Be sure to discuss how a new supervisor would be able to prevent these types of actions from occurring in the future. Your written response is to be supported by additional research and written at a graduate level.
Your paper should go beyond the obvious and must be no less than 1200 words. You must use no less than three additional resources (other than your required text) that support your position. All resources used must be properly cited using the APA style


Criminal justice ethics: Theory and practice. (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Publications, Inc. ISBN: 9781412995450


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