Questions on Chapter 16 Employee Motivation and Performance, page 472 Discussion Question 1, 2 and 3 and page 473 Questions for Application question 8 and Case Analysis.


Written Response #4 Questions on Chapter 16 Employee Motivation and Performance, page 472 Discussion Question 1, 2 and 3 and page 473 Questions for Application  question 8 and Case Analysis.

Apply the course concepts described in Chapters 16 and any concepts you have learned to date to answering the questions below.

Grading criteria: total possible points 20 (score represents 7% of total grade in the course)

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Chapter 16  (10 points)  Note: Questions 1 and 2 should have a minimum two paragraph discussion.

1)  Each historical perspective on motivation built on the earlier perspectives and differed from them in some ways. Describe the similarities and differences between the traditional approach and the human relations approach. Then describe the similarities and differences between the human relations approach and the human resource approach. (4 points)

2) Compare and contrast content, process, and reinforcement perspectives on motivation. (4 points)

3) Explain how goal setting theory works. How is goal setting different from merely asking a

worker to “do your best?” (2 points)


QUESTIONS FOR APPLICATION  Chapter 16  (2 points)

8) Think about the worst job you have held. What approach to motivation was used in

that organization? Now think about the best job you have held. What approach to motivation was used there? Can you base any conclusions on this limited information? If so, what are they?


CASE ANALYSIS  (8 points) Choose from one of the two cases “Perceived Pay Inequality” and “Production slowdown” posted online and complete a  Case Analysis following the format presented in the “Case Study Analysis” powerpoint presentation give in class and posted on blackboard. This case study analysis should be a minimum of three pages.






This written response focuses on theories described in Chapter 16 on Motivation. You will answer questions on these concepts, write a reflective piece on your own experiences related to motivation, and conduct a case study analysis of one of two cases which are attached here: Perceived Pay Inequity and Production Shutdown. You choose one of these two cases to write a case study analysis, following the format outlined in class.

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