Part A: A Drug-drug interaction (Max 2 pages)


  1. Introduction: brief introductory statements about the drug-drug interaction and the two drug s you choose which are Astrix (Aspirin) AND Diabex XR (Metformin). (word limit 50)


  1. Describe in a clear, detailed, succinct and logical manner the known interaction between the prescribed drugs “Astrix (Aspirin)” AND “Diabex XR (Metformin)”. Throughout the description make sure you include an accurate and clear explanation of how the interaction occurs. Include the following as you describe he drug-drug interaction (This part worth a lot of marks, it should have a lot of explanation):
    1. Paragraph 1: Astrix (Aspirin) normal pharmacodynamics
      • Firstly describe the normal pharmacodynamics
        • The main effect is treating superficial thrombi lower limbs but it can also lower the blood glucose level
        • YOU SHOULD MENTIONE OTHER EFFECTS OF THE DRUG to show that you understand the effects of the drug
      • Mechanism of action – describe the mechanism for ‘wanted and unwanted’ effects of the individual drugs
        • Without the drug-drug interaction; then
        • With the drug-drug interaction – the point you present here should be basis for elaborated in the section for
  1. Paragraph 2: Astrix (Aspirin) normal pharmacokinetics
    • Absorption
    • Distribution
    • Metabolism, and/or
    • Excretion
  1. Paragraph 4: Diabex XR (Metformin) normal pharmacokinetics
    • Absorption
    • Distribution
    • Metabolism, and/or
    • Excretion
  2. Paragraph 5: explain the drug-drug interaction between Astrix (Aspirin)” AND “Diabex XR (Metformin). (How do they interact?) (Is the Astrix (Aspirin) pharmacokinetics going to affect the Diabex XR (Metformin) normal pharmacodynamics? Or vise versa) or (Is the Astrix (Aspirin) pharmacodynamics going to affect the Diabex XR (Metformin) pharmacokinetics? or vise versa )
    • Additionally, the description comprehensively describes how the interaction causes these effects, including all of the most pertinent details demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the drug-drug interaction.
    • A clear, well written, and logically organised description of what the drug-drug interaction affects
    • From the drug-drug interaction affects description, explain if it makes it clear whether or not the interaction is affecting pharmacodynamics and/or pharmacokinetics of one or both drugs and whether the interaction is antagonistic or agonistic
    • Don’t mention the word antagonistic or agonistic BUT show in your explanation that it is antagonistic or agonistic.


  1. Paragraph 6: This includes clear descriptions of the normal pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and unwanted effects of the drugs involved, and how they are altered by the interaction.
  1. Paragraph 7: Is the drug-drug interaction type between “Astrix (Aspirin)” AND “Diabex XR (Metformin)” agonistic or antagonistic?. You should name it correctly (including whether it is agonistic or antagonistic). (AGONISTIC IS THE CORRECT ANSWER)
    • In this paragraph you can mention the word agonistic.
    • This paragraph should be short and very basic (100 words max).
    • You should write what was written in paragraph 5 but in other words
    • This paragraph should have an explanation of why you decided that the drug-drug interaction type between Astrix (Aspirin)” AND “Diabex XR (Metformin) is actually AGONISTIC? Explain it.  
  1. Describe the impacts, implications and significance of the drug to drug interaction.
    1. Write and accurate and clear articulated description
    2. Write all the impacts, outcomes and significance of the drug-drug interaction
    3. The impacts, outcomes and significance of the drug-drug interaction are described very well to demonstrate an in-depth and totally comprehensive understanding of the significance of the interaction
    4. All important impacts are described very well, and the assignment demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of drug-drug interactions
  2. Conclusion: (without reference) a summary of everything you wrote on drug-drug interaction, based on Astrix (Aspirin) AND “Diabex XR (Metformin) (Word limit 50-100)…………………………….
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