Assessment 1: Issues Paper Develop an issues paper that explores the risk factors associated with particular contexts and the development of strategies and processes to ameliorate these risks and their impact on early childhood and primary education. An aspect of this assessment task includes completing a hurdle task as described below (see Part 1A).


Length and/or format: 1200 words 

Purpose: To achieve competency of unit outcomes 


Assessment Description: The Issues Paper consists of six components that must be addressed. They are as follows: 

  1. Choose an issue that relates to your own past experiences of family, schooling, work, and friendships. Each of these issues is related to, and integral to, physical, cognitive and social emotional development (as seen in Chapter 3). They are also specific to individuals and their unique contexts of learning and development. You must select one of the issues from those listed on your LEO site/outlined in lecture notes for your Issues Paper. 



  1. Briefly outline the issue and how it relates to you on a personal level. Include research to support your issue. 


  1. Use Bronfenbrenner’s model to explain how your issue fits into the systems and how the issue affects, or has affected, your learning and development. Page 11 of 25 EDFD167 Unit Outline, 2015 


  1. Make recommendations of processes and strategies for future decisions and provide a rationale for the recommendations you make using research as evidence. 


  1. Use relevant peer-reviewed literature and research to support your issues paper. At least five peer-reviewed references should be cited. 


  1. Use size 12 font in either Arial or Times New Roman, double-spaced with minimum 2cm margins. Correct APA referencing must be used both in-text and in reference list.



The Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) course is a professional program that requires development of particular attributes for accreditation purposes. The Australian Graduate Teacher Professional Standards and the ACECQA standards are also included in the Learning Outcomes. On successful completion of this unit, pre-service teachers should be able to: 

  1. Explore and analyse concepts, theories, and research focused on physical, cognitive and psychosocial aspects of child and adolescent development (GA5; AGTS 1.1- 1.4 ACECQA A1, A2, A3, A8, B6, B8, E2). 
  2. Discuss and apply these concepts and theories to an understanding of child and adolescent development which fosters participation in society essential for the promotion of the common good and a just and equitable society (GA1, GA5; AGTS 1.5 ACECQA A1, A3, A7, B6, D1, E2, E3). 
  3. Develop and use a range of ICLT skills for learning (GA10; AGTS 4.5, ACECQA B3, C1)



The Professional Standards are a public statement that describes the professional knowledge, professional practice and professional engagement required of teachers. The Standards also underpin registration decisions at different career junctures. For teacher registration purposes in New South Wales, the ‘Graduate’ Standards are the benchmark for those completing initial teacher Page 4 of 25 EDFD167 Unit Outline, 2015 education programs and applying for provisional registration. You can view the complete set of standards here: On successful completion of this unit, students should have developed their ability to: 

1.1 Physical, Social and intellectual development and characteristics of students. 

1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. 

1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. 

1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities. 

1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with a disability. 

4.1 Support student participation. 

4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically.



Each unit in your course contributes in some way to the development of the ACU Graduate Attributes which you should demonstrate by the time you complete your course. You can view the ACU Graduate Attributes for all courses at All Australian universities have their expected Graduate Attributes – ACU’s Graduate Attributes have a greater emphasis on ethical behaviour and community responsibility than those of many other universities. All of your units will enable you to develop some attributes. On successful completion of this unit, you should have developed your ability to:  

GA5 Demonstrate values, knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession. 

GA10 Utilise information and communication and other relevant technologies effectively.

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