Airport Design Competition

General Information


  1. Design Challenge Area: Airport Environmental Interactions


  1. Specific Challenge Selected: How can LAX be a better neighbour to the surrounding communities?


  • Creative Solutions to Environmental Impacts:


  1. Aircraft Noise Mitigation (Reducing Noise Exposure)
    1. Curfew for “type” aircraft


*You MUST include in your section:

  1. Literature Review = Summary of Literature. This is an overview of what was gleaned from the literature review with a discussion of primary sources and their influence on the design. Specific reference citations are to be provided in Appendix F.
  2. Alternative Design(s) = Team’s Problem Solving Approach to the Design Challenge. This section should include a thorough description of individual’s or team’s work including a description of both interdisciplinary and systems engineering approaches as appropriate to solving the problem.
  3. Technical Aspects = Description of how the technical aspects of the Design Challenge are addressed through drawings, mockups, computer codes, etc. as appropriate to provide evidence of a thorough design process.
  4. Safety Risk Assessment = The FAA promotes a culture of safety throughout all its operations. Examine existing FAA safety management system guidance as it relates to your proposed design solution. Consider inherent risks and describe how these risks should be addressed to ensure safe operations. *Be sure to reference Introduction to Safety Management Systems for Airport Operators (FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200-37) and FAA Safety Management System Manual available under the Resources section of the Competition website.
  5. Industry Interaction = Description of interactions with airport operators and industry experts in the design process. Be explicit. Identify contacts and interactions. This is a required Competition component.
  6. Projected Impacts = Description of the projected impacts of the team’s design and findings with a thorough discussion of how the design/solution meets FAA goals. This section should address commercial potential for the design, including a description of processes that would need to be undertaken to bring the design to the product/ implementation state. Emphasis should be on increased affordability and utility. The section should provide a financial analysis that reflects a realistic approach to projected cost/benefit determination and for the team’s design. Guidelines for acceptable


*Additional Information:

  • Format: double-spaced, single-sided, 12-point Times New Roman font. 10-point font for captions/charts.


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