This week you will complete work on your Final Project for this module. The purpose of the Final Project is to apply the concepts and techniques of the module to the analysis of real-world situations or problems. Students are expected to use diverse sources of information and to carry out an original analysis rather than summarize or rehash existing work. Students are encouraged to use situations and data from their own experience where possible.

For this module, you are required to complete a course project that reveals mastery in application of the macroeconomic and microeconomics concepts emphasized in the course. This involves reporting on a specific organization within an industry and optimal strategies involving pricing and resource utilization that affect the value of the chosen firm or industry. This project should be a formal report that provides both specific strategies and tactics involving pricing, production, and resource utilization in order to enhance the value of the chosen firm. These strategies and tactics are to be supported with macroeconomic and microeconomics theory.

Your task for Week 8 is to complete and hand in your Final Project Report. It should include:
1. An assessment of the macroeconomic conditions and the opportunities and threats suggested by these conditions for the chosen firm.
2. An analysis of the microeconomics market structure and demand, cost, and production conditions observed.
3. An evaluation of the organization itself for practices of risk management as well as capital structure and budgeting.
4. A reasoned and evidence-based managerial strategy based on the macroeconomic, microeconomics, and organizational-specific conditions in each areas of production, pricing, and resource utilization.
Your Final Project should follow the given outline:
5. Brief company background and history
6. Description of firm’s organization and management model
7. Competitor and market analysis
8. Product and services pricing strategies
9. Degree of regulation or deregulation
10. Risk management
11. Capital structure and budgeting
12. Conclusion
Your Final Project should also include a section on how and where you obtained the information sources as well as the methodology used to perform any analysis (SWOT, Porter model, etc.).

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