
Consider the population in which the solution is intended, the staff that will participate, and the key contributors that must provide approval and/or support for your project to be implemented. These stakeholders are considered your audience.
I work in hemodialysis with a medical director, nurse practitioner, facility administrator, clinical nurse coordinator, other registered nurses and dialysis technicians lastly social worker and dietitian. I want to influence them proper hand hygiene related to prevention of bloodstream infection in dialysis facility along with wearing the proper personal protective equipment such as face shield, mask and gloves.

Develop an implementation plan (1,500-2,000 words) using the “Topic 3: Checklist” resource. The elements that should be included in your plan are listed below:
1.Method of obtaining necessary approval(s) and securing support from your organization’s leadership and fellow staff.
2.Description of current problem, issue, or deficit requiring a change. Hint: If you are proposing a change in current policy, process, or procedure(s) when delivering patient care, describe first the current policy, process, or procedure as a baseline for comparison.
3.Detailed explanation of proposed solution (new policy, process, procedure, or education to address the problem/deficit).
4.Rationale for selecting proposed solution.
5.Evidence from your Review of Literature in Topic 2 to support your proposed solution and reason for change.
6.Description of implementation logistics (When and how will the change be integrated into the current organizational structure, culture, and workflow? Who will be responsible for initiating the change, educating staff, and overseeing the implementation process?)
7.Resources required for implementation: staff; educational materials (pamphlets, handouts, posters, and PowerPoint presentations); assessment tools (questionnaires, surveys, pre- and post-tests to assess knowledge of participants at baseline and after intervention); technology (technology or software needs); funds (cost of educating staff, printing or producing educational materials, gathering and analyzing data before, during, and following implementation), and staff to initiate, oversee, and evaluate change.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Capstone Project
Topic 3: Checklist
Developing an Implementation Plan

•Explains method(s) of obtaining necessary approval(s) and securing support for proposal.
•Provides thorough description of current problem, issue, or deficit requiring change.

•Provides detailed explanation of proposed solution.
•Discusses rationale for selecting proposed solution.
•Incorporates evidence from review of literature in Module 2 to support proposed solution.

•Provides a detailed description of implementation logistics.
•Identifies resources required for implementation (Staff, education materials, assessment tools, technology, funds, etc.).
Written Format & Length Requirements
•Assignment formatted according to APA.
•Word Count (1,500-2,000).


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