BOOK REVIEW: You are required to write one Book Review. The book you will review is Augustine’s Confessions. The point value for this review will be seventy (70) points. The Confessions book review will be due by Sunday midnight CT at end of Week 7! Late Book Reviews will receive a one-time twenty per-cent (20%) deduction and must be submitted to the Late Drop Box. The Rubric for your book review may be found at the end of this syllabus.
Book Review Confessions: Traditionally book reviews should help you formulate skills in four key areas: (1) efficient written communication, (2) knowledge of a specified historical topic, (3) the significance of historical research, and (4) the skill to evaluate the work of others. A typical summary “book report” can at best teach only the first two listed above. A book review goes beyond mere summary to inquire into the overall value of the work. Because Augustine’s Confessions is a primary source certain additional questions should be addressed in your review:
1. Why did Augustine write this particular book?
2. Did he have a particular target audience in mind?
3. What does the book tell us about his particular philosophical/theological journey?
4. What insights as to the evolution and/or nature of early Christianity can be gleaned from the book?
5. How can the Confessions be used as an historical source? In what way does it paint a very broad picture of the intellectual and social world of the late fourth century, just as Christianity was coming to dominate?

Book Review: Augustine’s Confessions
Grade Criteria for Papers
63-70 Paper is well thought out, organized, and addresses:
(1) Why did Augustine write this particular book?
(2) Did he have a particular target audience in mind?
(3)What does the book tell us about his particular philosophical/theological journey?
(4) What insights as to the evolution and/or nature of early Christianity can be gleaned from the book?
(5) How can the Confessions be used as an historical source? In what way does it paint a very broad picture of the intellectual and social world of the late fourth century, just as Christianity was coming to dominate?

• Spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors are rare.
• Paper is well written, demonstrates mastery of concepts and their application.
• Sources are cited in the proper format. Use MLA or Chicago Manual of Style.


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