
Comparing Davis Drug Guide Assignment

  • Due Saturday by 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Submitting a file upload
  • File Types doc, docx, and pdf
  • Available until May 21 at 11:59pm

As a nurse, being able to use resources to look up medication information helps protect our clients from potential harm. The purpose of this assignment is to help you to become familiar with resources available for looking up information about medications.

For this assignment you will select a drug name that starts with the first initialof yourlast name. For example, Professor Pastwa – propranolol, Professor Martin – meclizine, Professor George – gabapentin, or Professor Davis – dabigatran

  • If there are no drugs that begin with thefirst initial of yourlast name, move on to the next letter in your last name until youcan find a drug that starts with that letter.For example, if your last name is Johnson, there are no “J” generic drugnames, and you would select a generic drug that starts with “O” since it is the next letter in your last name.

Type your answers directly onto the document, then upload the document for your submission of the assignment. Click this blue link to access the document: Drug guide assignment.docx



Rubric Comparing Davis Drug Guide and Other Resources Assignment

Comparing Davis Drug Guide and Other Resources Assignment

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Davis Drug Guide Question
25 pts Excellent Student provides accurate information from Davis’s Drug Guide for all requested rows in the table provided in Part 1. If the information for one or more areas is not found in the Drug Guide, the student may write “Not in Drug Guide.” 20 pts Good Student provides accurate information from Davis’s Drug Guide for 15 of the requested rows in the table provided in Part 1. 14 pts Fair Student provides a minimum of 9 of the requested information points. 0 pts Poor Student provides less than 9 of the requested information points.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome PDR Question
25 pts Excellent Student provides a thoughtful response that includes a comparison and contrast of the two resources, identifying similarities and difference. Provides at minimum 2 examples of similarities and differences. 20 pts Good Student provides a thoughtful response that includes a comparison and contrast of the two resources, identifying similarities and difference. Provides at minimum 1 example of similarity and 1 difference. 14 pts Fair Student provides a thoughtful response that includes a comparison and contrast of the two resources, identifying similarities and difference. Provides only 1 example of similarity or 1 difference. 0 pts Poor Student does not answer either question.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Question
25 pts Excellent Student provides a thoughtful response that includes a comparison and contrast of the two resources, identifying similarities and difference. Provides at minimum 2 examples of similarities and differences. 20 pts Good Student provides a thoughtful response that includes a comparison and contrast of the two resources, identifying similarities and difference. Provides at minimum 1 example of similarity and 1 difference. 14 pts Fair Student provides a response that includes a comparison and contrast of the two resources, identifying similarities and difference. Provides only 1 example of similarity or difference. 0 pts Poor Student does not answer either question.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Comparison of Resources Question
25 pts Excellent Student provides a preferred resource with reason why the resource is preferred and provides a thoughtful response as to why the resources are different. 20 pts Good Student provides a preferred resource without reason why the resource is preferred OR response as to why the resources are different is not well-developed 14 pts Fair Student does not provide a preferred resource or does not provide a response as to why the resources are different. 0 pts Poor Student does not answer either the questions or did not submit the assignment.
25 pts
Total Points: 100

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