Essay Question: Are the companies discussed here utilising the most appropriate reward system or should they be using other rewards as part of their overall package and as an HR manager what would you advise for these companies and why?

According the case study 6.2: Designing reward systems. Textbook, p 205-206(Text book:Contemporary human resource management text and case , Fourth Edition) If you need the textbook ,I can sent you the copy.

Research Essay
● Task Description
Your case research essay is based on the facilitation topic you presented and discussed with the class. It is
Version: 2015 Business School 4
assumed that your discussions with the class and your tutor helped you to clarify the issues required to write
up your research essay. After you deliver your GROUP/PAIR presentation and have gained some feedback
from the lecturer and the class, you should be well equipped to write an INDIVIDUAL essay based on the
question posed in your week. You will have 10 days after your facilitation to complete your essay and the style
guide for the essay is posted on Blackboard.
For relevant readings you should refer in the first instance to related material in textbook chapters. Also
consult course bibliography located in course readings on the library link.
● Assessment Criteria
Your mark will depend on your ability to understand the context in which the case/problem emerges and also
your ability to analyse this case within a wider conceptual framework. This is an essay is not a report and it
will be assessed individually.

Assessment Criteria
1. Evidence that you have read, understood and critically assessed relevant HR literature
2. Evidence that you have effectively analysed HR concepts to real world context/cases
3. Evidence that you have developed an argument that related directly to the question/s posed
4. Evidence that you have quoted/paraphrased appropriately and that you have referenced sources
according to Business School conventions
5. Evidence that you have structured and written your essay clearly, logically and sequentially
6. Demonstrate that you have accurately presented your essay and written it within the set word limit