
Answer the following case questions about Programmatic Advertising: Real-Ice Marketing in detail, think critically:

1. Pay a visit to your favorite portal and count the total ads on the opening page. Count how many of these ads are (a) immediately of interest and relevant to you, (b) sort of interesting or relevant but not now, and (c) not interesting or relevant. Do this 10 times and calculate the percentage of the three kinds of situations. Describe what you find and explain the result using this case.

2. Advertisers use different kinds of “profiles” in the decision to display ads to customers. Identify the different kinds of profiles described in this case, and explain why they are relevant to online display advertising.

3. How can display ads achieve search-engine-like results?

4. Do you think instant display ads based in your immediately prior clickstream will be as effective as search engine marketing techniques? Why or why not?

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