Your task is to analyse a strategic human resource development (HRD) issue that would benefit your organisation or an organization you are familiar with. Work within Oil and Gas LNG industry, work away from home and fly back home for a week (4 weeks away and 1 week home). Work in HR.

The HRD issue you select may represent a new HRB direction for teh organization and should align with organizational needs and environment demands. The HRD issue you select could address the needs of a specific strategic group, reinforce organizational positioning, address management development/transition needs, focus on talent management or focus on retention/re-engagement of high achievers.

Write a report about the strategic HRD issue you have selected. Make sure to include:
A brief description of the organization and the strategic HRB issue you have chosen to investigate
An in-depth description of the HRD issue using relevant theories and frameworks. Include pros and cos with implementation.Where relevant, discuss attitudes and behavior related to the HRD issue.
A discussion which explains why this HRD issue is of strategic importance to the organization. This discussion could include historical background, organizational needs, environmental conditions, industry best practice, etc.
Recommendations to enable improvement/change/implementation. Recommendations should flow logically from the discussion above.
Make sure to demonstrate you have read widely about your chosen HRD issue and use relevant references throughout your report.

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