Hello writer, I would like for you to write an annotated bibliography of four sources. All sources should be acquired through onesearch. The link to access the onesearch is http://www.umuc.edu/library/ . They must come from scholarly journals or trade journals. You will prepare the annotated bibliography by completing the following steps: 1.The topic is “Creation of a Academic Youth Program” –The program will provide a comprehensive set of educational services such as: academic support, counseling and career planning. 2. Cite each article in APA format 3. Summarize each article in 125 words. 4. Write two sentence evaluation at the end of each of the annotations explaining why the source might be helpful to you for your final report. 5. List each reference followed by its annotation in alphabetical order.

Please let me know the 4 sources for scholarly journals or trade journals.
I would like to check it first, so i could check it on my library.

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