There are three essay questions, you must answer them all! No outside research is necessary.
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1. Resilience and Juvenile Justice (8 points)
In this essay, you will pretend that you are the newly hired Chief Probation Officer for San Francisco County in their department of Juvenile Justice. You have been tasked with designing an evidence-based intervention program to address the challenges faced by youth currently served by the San Francisco County Juvenile Justice system. Because mental health issues are significant contributer to entry to the Juvenile Justice system, as well as to repeat offending, you will want to tailor your intervention program to address mental health needs (see the NCCP report on San Francisco youth for additional demographic and mental health information).
You will draw on risk factors indicated by Burt, Simmons, and Gibbons (2012), and use information from Ungar (2005) and Lee et al. (2013) to design an intervention. Specifically, your intervention should reduce the three major risk factors (associated with discrimination), as well as the risk for future offending, described by Burt et al., (2012) by using intervention strategies described by Lee et al. (2013) for youth with severe emotional and behavioral problems combined with points made by Ungar (2005) about more effective ways to provide services to at-risk youth.
This essay should be detailed enough that your intervention plan could be easily put into action fairly quickly. Thus, you will want to clearly identify how each risk factor will be reduced (intervention), how service will be delivered (by who, where, how often, how long, etc.), and how the overall service delivery system will be updated to better addres the needs of youth in the system. You will also need to use the data/information in these three articles to demonstrate that your intervention is likely to be effective (i.e., that it is evidence based).
2. Academic Resilience in Homeless and Highly Mobile Children (8 points)
As was found in the study by Cutuli et al. (2013), about 45% the children who were homeless or highly mobile showed academic resilience. However, as also noted by Cutuli and colleagues, there is little information about how these children end up being academcially resilient in the face of severe adversity. In this essay, you will be exploring potential ways to promote academic resilience in homeless and highly mobile children.
Begin by listing and describing possible factors in homeless and highly mobile children’s lives that place them at risk for poor developmental, especially academic, outcomes. You may draw on both Cutuli et al. (2013) and Edwards et al. (2007) for data on risk for academic failure.
Next, explore the prevention framework for students at risk of failure described by Edwards et al., (2007). Specifically, take an educated guess and describe what internal and external developmental assets may be at play in academically resilient homeless and highly mobile children. Explain why you think these assets may be promoting resilience in these children.
Finally, develop an intervention plan to promote at least six developmental assets (three internal and three external assets) in homeless and highly mobile children who are not showing academic resilience. Be specific, describe each asset, why you chose it (i.e., cite and discuss Edward’s et al., 2007) and how you will ensure that homeless/highly mobile children develop the internal assets/have access to the external assets.
3. Designing an Effective Resource for Teachers of At-Risk Adolescents (14 points)
Begin by watching this (20 minute) video that profiles a range of at-risk adolescents produced by the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development:
Teachers are often the professionals who first notice an at-risk adolescent or notice that an at-risk adolescent is heading toward very serious negative outcomes. In other words, they often are the “first responders” for youth like those described in the video. However, teachers rarely know about available resources to assist the adolescent. They also rarely have enough knowledge about risk and protective factors to make informed decisions about appropriate options to help the child.
The goal of this essay is to design an on-line resource for teachers to help them make informed decisions about how to help at-risk adolescents, like those in the video, and that they see in their classrooms on a daily basis. (You do not need to design the website, just describe the content you would put there). The information you provide should include the following:
A. Choose one type of risk to focus on by addressing the issues faced by one of the youth in the video (don’t pick the first one, watch the entire video). (You can assume your website will have tabs for variety of issues, but to simplify this essay, you will create a page in the website for a specific risk issue). Describe the youth you selected and the issues that youth faces – case studies are often good ways to illustrate problems.
B. Choose an appropriate developmental theory or framework (see the “Developmental Theory” overview posted with the essay questions or use any of the articles assigned to date to help you). Describe the theory/framework you chose and why that is a good theory/framework to use for this risk issue.
C. Present information about risk and resilience in general, drawing on: Fraser, Kirby, and Smokowski, (2004); Vanderbilt-Adriance and Shaw, (2008a); and Luthar, Sawyer, and Brown, (2006). The goal is to provide teachers with an overview of (or basic information about) risk factors, risk chains, protective factors, protective chains, and how to best promote resilience in at-risk youth.
D. Provide teachers with at least one website that can provide them with expert advice related to the issue you are focusing on. List the website (name, URL) and provide a three or four sentence summary of why the website is likely to be helpful; describing its mission, objectivity, credibility, expertise, and evidence of the effectiveness of its advice. In this section, you also should explain how/why and the extent to which the website avoids Hoffman’s major critiques of modern sources of parenting advice.
E. Conclude this essay with some tips to help teachers create a classroom based prevention program for socially vulnerable children/adolescents. You should draw on Richaud (2013) to guide your development of these tips.
Please Note; For essay #3 you will need the following two items to help you write the essay:

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